About Us

The Association

The association aims to be a valuable resource and support network for cask whisky companies and consumers seeking assistance and information within the cask whisky industry.


The association aims to counter the negative impact caused by unscrupulous and inexperienced cask trading companies. By promoting ethical practices and transparency, it seeks to protect the overall reputation of the industry.


The association provides guidance and establishes a code of best practices for cask trading companies. This helps ensure that companies operate in a responsible and professional manner, safeguarding the interests of both customers and the industry as a whole.


The association acts as a source of information and advice for its members as well as the general public regarding various aspects of cask ownership. This includes guidance on purchasing, storing, and valuing casks, among other relevant topics.

The Reason

Trading in whisky casks has a long history in Scotland, with blenders and independent bottlers relying on cask trading to create their blends and offerings. Private individuals, mostly industry insiders, have also been buying and selling casks for personal investment purposes for many years. However, in the 1990s, the practice of private individuals buying whisky casks outside of the industry became more widespread, especially with the advent of the internet and the booming popularity of Scotch whisky.

In the past, the industry was primarily self-regulated due to limited supply and lower overall popularity of whisky. However, as the market has expanded and more companies have entered the cask trading business, various problems have arisen. Many of these new companies lack experience and have made mistakes that negatively impacted customers. There have also been instances of dishonest behaviour, as well as a lack of understanding regarding proper pricing.

In light of these challenges and more, the idea of establishing an association for cask whisky was discussed. Recognizing the difficulties in altering regulation, in the short term an association could serve as a valuable alternative by promoting best practices and providing guidance to companies in the cask trading industry.

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